As The Suds Churn
Edgy Fast-Paced Podcast filled with laughter, gossip, and in-depth commentary on one of the MOST enduring mediums in television history...The Soap Opera (or as my Mommy called them "Stories") On As The Suds Churn, we dish on all things Sudsy and Diss all things DUDSY! Your workout & daily commute just got a lot better!! Stay up-to-date on all "your" stories or just nod your head along in agreement. THE Soap Podcast for you is HERE and As The Suds Churn has you covered. So lie if you have to, blackmail a rival, or come back from the dead, but don't miss out on your NEWEST's #ATSCbaby
As The Suds Churn
Episode 1 "Using Lies as Alibis"
Season 1
Episode 1
In the BEFORE Time...we had the Summer to look forward to seeing some of our soaps course correct some SERIOUS NONSENSE!! But then Covid shut EVERYTHING down.
During this time I chose to start what I hope will be an informative and entertaining Podcast on the greatest medium on the small screen: The Soap Opera.
The Inaugural Episode of ATSC I want to give you a peak at where WE were as fans when i started this show and offer a glimpse of where the show will go in the future.
Airpods in, Alexa at the Ready, let's DO THIS!!! #ATSC Your New Bestie...lets go NERDS!!